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tv   CNN Newsroom  CNN  May 12, 2013 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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we shouldn't have an irrational fear of terrorism. i hope this special report has helped you think about the future of terrorism more rationally. thank you for watching. i'm fareed zakaria. hello, i'm allison kosk in for fredricka whitfield. happy mother's day and thanks for joining us. facing death threats after being wrongly link today a forifying crime, now you'll hear from the brothers of kidnapping suspect ariel castro in an exclusive interview with cnn. a break in the mysterious case of an 8-year-old girl found stabbed to death in her california home. investigators have arrested her 12-year-old brother. the stunning details straight ahead. >> prince harry is getting in on the action at the warrior games in colorado. we'll tellio what the veterans he hung out with told you about
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the royal company. >> we begin this afternoon with the cnn world exclusive. let's go straight to cleveland and cnn national correspondent susan candiotti. susan. >> when ariel castro was arrested on charges of kidnapping and abduction, well, the world was watching. and in fact, that's where he held three women for over a decade in his cleveland home. police also arrested his two brothers, showing their faces to the world. in the minds of many, all three men were monsters. but then last thursday, police released pedro and onil castro, saying neither man had anything to do with the alleged abductions and torture of amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight, now for the first time since their release, both men are sitting down and talking exclusively with cnn's martin savidge about their brother and their ordeal.
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they're grateful the young women and 6-year-old little girl are finally free and safe. but haunted by miss eed clues. haunted by the media, and receiving death threats for something they say they did not do. >> do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> and the people out there who know me, they know that onil castro is not that person. has nothing to do with that. would never even think of something like that. i was a very liked person, individual. i have never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think i would ever do something like that. it's shock to all my friends. they couldn't believe it. >> same. i couldn't never think of doing
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anything like that. if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would have -- i would not be -- in a minute, i would call the cops. because that ain't right. but yeah, it's going to haunt me down because people are going to think pedro got something to do with this. pedro don't have nothing to do with this. if i knew, i would have reported it. brother or no brother. >> and you can see much more of martin's exclusive interview, including hearing about the one strange rule they say ariel castro demanded that the brothers follow when inside his home. plus, you'll also hear what they say happened when one brother confronted ariel about the mysterious little girl who looked so much like him. >> susan, thanks. and be sure to watch martin savidge's full exclusive interview with ariel castro's two brothers tomorrow at 7:00
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a.m. eastern on cnn's starting point. we're also hearing today from the legal team representing the three women allegedly kept captive in ariel castro's home for almost a decade. the lawyers have volunteered to help the women for free. they're part of a pro bono team that includes public relations people and counselors. this morning, the attorneys called a news conference to deliver a message from the women to their supporters. >> amanda berry says, quote, thank you so much for everything you're doing. and continue to do. i am so happy to be home with my family. gina dejesus said, quote, i'm so happy to be home. i want to thank everyone for all your prayers. i just want time now to be with my family. michelle knight says thank you to everyone, quote, thank you to everyone for your support and good wishes. i am healthy, happy, and safe. and will reach out to family, friends, and supporters in good time. >> the legal team says the women
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will not be talking to the media until the case against ariel castro has been tried. dramatic new video of police breaking down the door of ariel castro's home to free michelle knight and gina dejesus. the cell phone video you're looking at here is from cbs news, taken by a cleveland woman. she and her friend ashley stopped monday in front of the now infamous house when they saw squad cars and flashing lights. and the women who lived nearby, what they told cnn affiliate ews is they thought they were being pulled over but instead, they got to witness one of the most dramatic hostage rescues in recent memory. colon told them that gina was shaking and huddled together with other survivors. the witnesses say amanda berry was, quote, crying like she was amazed. >> an arrest in the death of 8-year-old leila fouler is bringing more heartache to her family. authorities arrested fowler's
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12-year-old brother yesterday in connection with the homicide. dan simon joins me live from valley springs, california. dan, police had been initially been searching for an unknown intruder, right? >> that's exactly right, and you can imagine how terrified this community must have been, thinking a killer was on the loose. someone who would randomly go into a home and stab and murder an 8-year-old girl. we don't know what ultimately made authorities suspicious of the girl's brother, but we know the brother actually attended a vimgal for his sister in the days following the murder. i want you to listen now to the sheriff who announced the charges and listen to the stunned reaction to those who listened to the sheriff speak. >> at 5:0010 p.m., detectives arresting legala's 12-year-old brother at the valley spring station on charge of homicide. >> i didn't -- you kind of
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thought so, but it's not something you want to believe. >> when i went to kids place, he always went next door to like talk to his sister and give her a hug. >> well, that's the reaction from the town residents. this is a town of 7,500 people. this murder occurred on the evening of april 27th. the boy had told investigators that he and his sister were home alone, that the parents had gone to a youth baseball game. he reported hearing an intruder and then he said he saw someone leave. he described a man being 6 feet tall, somebody with gray hair. initially, his story was corroborated by a neighbor who said she also saw somebody running away from that house, but that neighbor later recanted. again, what ultimately made authorities suspicious, why they arrested this 12-year-old brother, we don't know yet. >> okay, dan simon, thank you. a grisly crime scene has shocked the small community of
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waynesville, indiana. four bodies with gunshot wounds have been discovered in a house. officials are calling it a quadruple homicide, but no arrests have been made. joe glavine has the details. >> allison, this is a very small community south of columbus, indiana. it's a small neighborhood that this happened in. a dead end street right behind me and dozens of authorities from this area, including state police, are on the scene, doing an investigation. we have been watching them do a perimeter search, and what we know about what happened here is simply they're calling it a quadruple homicide. three men and one woman found dead inside a home. a man called 911 who told the sheriff's department that he lived in the house with his mom and step father. he had found a couple of people that he believed were dead, and when they got to the scene, they found two more. three of them, we're told, in a living room area, and one in a bedroom. the sheriff has remained tight-lipped about this investigation, giving us an update early this morning and
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refusing to give any more updates, simply saying this investigation continues. they do not have a suspect in custody. that's what we have been told, so we're unsure if someone is still out there who did this, but there's not any concern being expressed for the community, so we do believe that everyone is safe here, neighbors in this area have been staying inside their home, and investigators here telling us they're going to continue to look. they're going to continue to collect evidence, and provide updates as they have them. again, they're calling it at this point simply a quadruple homicide in this small indiana community. >> in trenton, new jersey, a weekend-long standoff is over. police burst into a home before sun-up today, finding a woman and her 13-year-old son dead and her three other children held hostage. the suspect, 38-year-old gerald murphy, was shot and killed by police. >> when officers did not receive a response at the door and fearing for the safety of the family, they made a forced entry into the home through a rear
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door and immediately smelled an odor consistent with a decomposing body. the officers continued to engage murphy in conversation and learned that he had three children barricaded in the room with him. murphy also stated that he was armed with a gun and explosives. >> gerald murphy also known as skip, was found to have an arrest warrant out of pennsylvania for failing to register as a sex offender. >> police say it appears the mother and her son had been killed two weeks uz go. now, to washington and the growing outrage over how the irs treated tea party groups in the run-up to the presidential election. top irs officials knew as far back as 2011 that agents were singling out non-profit conservative groups and making it harder for them to get tax exempt status. that's all in a new treasury department report expected to come out this week.
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athena jones is in washington. officials are now looking to see if the irs broke the rules by playing politics. >> that's right, and this is a big deal. anyone who pays taxes can relate to this concern that some folks at the irs were unfairly targeting people simply because of their political leanings. so you have this audit that is expected to come out this week from the treasury inspector general for tax administration looking at the agency's operations and making recommendations. i had a chance to speak with congressman darrell issa. it was his committee, the house oversight committee on government reform that requested the review be done. let's listen to what he told me this morning. >> in 2011 when the irs knew, the question is who knew, when did they know, and why should they be able to keep their jobs if they were part of knowing about a criminal activity that continues? we certainly know that we need to get to the bottom of it and then we need to have the institutional changes occur so this doesn't happen again.
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>> and i can tell you that the white house says they support this investigation. white house spokesman jay carney said as much on friday at the white house briefing and also released a statement on saturday expanding on that, saying if the inspector general finds there were any rules broken or that conduct of government officials did not meet the standards required of them, the president expects that swift and appropriate steps will be taken to address any misconduct. so this is something that a lot of folks here in washington are going to be watching for. >> when they talk about this extra scrutiny for tea party groups, exactly what kind of hoops did these groups have to jump through? >> well, it's interesting because one of the things we learned is that if a group had the words tea party or patriot in their name among others, they could have been subjected to some extra scrutiny. i had a chance to speak to the cofounder of an organization called the tea party patriots, which is one of the nation's biggest tea party organizations and she said the irs at one
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point asked for them to produce all of the comments from their facebook fan page. she said at that point, they had a million or more face book fans so this would have resulted in thousands of pages of print-outs, so that's the sort of thing that some of these groups had to go through. one more political point i want to make here that's interesting and could get lost in the mix here is that while all of this was going on, the irs commissioner at that point was actually a bush administration appointee, so that's another interesting wrinkle in all of this, the story that many folks here in washington are following closely. >> and we'll continue to follow it. athena jones, thank you. >> thanks. >> the irs story isn't the only one the white house is doing damage control on today. there's also the benghazi story. are lawmakers on a search for truth or a political witch hunt? >> plus, almost half of all women are worried they'll end up bag ladies. a mother's day reality check coming up.
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>> i'm giving a shout out to my son mikey in melbourne, florida. thank you for making me the happiest mom on this mother's day. >> i'm staff sergeant young in afghanistan. i would like to say happy mother's day to my mommy in birmingham, alabama. love you. >> hello, my name is sergeant ray lewis from public affairs out of morocco. ied with like to give a shoutout to my mother sheryl in oceanside, california. happy mother's day, and i love you and i'll see you soon. and do you know your... blood type? a or b positive?? have you eaten today? i had some lebanese food for lunch. i love the lebanese. i... i'm not sure. enough of the formalities... lets get started shall we? jimmy how happy are folks who save hundreds of dollars switching to geico? happier than dracula volunteering at a blood drive.
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fixodent, and forget it. this is truly outrageous. and it contributes to the profound distrust that the american people have in government. it is absolutely chilling that the irs was singling out conservative groups for extra review. >> and that was republican susan collins who is on the intelligence committee. she's reflecting her party's outrage at the irs singling out tea party groups for scrutiny ahead of the 2012 election. i want to bring in john avlon, a cnn contributor and senior columnist at news week and the daily beast, and margaret hoover, republican consultant. good afternoon to both of you. john, i'm going to start with
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you. is the irs being used as a political tool at this point? >> look, this is a serious accusation. let's keep it localized to where it is at the current nose, which is in ohio. these were ohio agents absolutely overstepping lines and singling out apparently conservative groups. that is an outrage, but it needs to be seen in a larger context because we have seen a dramatic rise in the use and abuse of political organizations posing at nonprofits. that deserves more scrutiny from the irs, not less. >> anytime you have a group of civil servants abusing power, and this is an abuse of power, by targeting other individuals, specific citizens, by their political ideology, you have a serious problem. there are a lot of incredible civil surgeants in this country who go to work every day and perform with the utmost ethical standards as they approach their jobs. this group of citizens in cincinnati who work for the irs
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were targeting people based on a political affiliation overstepped their lines, are abusing their powers, and should be singled out. there should be repercussions. >> margaret, how deep do you think this run snz could this be an isolated situation or do you think this runs deeper? >> we don't know yet. what we know is there was a bush appointed irs director. this happened under him. i think to go to sweeping conclusions and suggest this is a nixonian abuse of power is clearly an overstep, and we need to find out, but whae we know is there was absolutely inappropriate behavior that should be disciplined and we should investigate whether it goes further. >> okay, john, it was a bad week at the white house, no doubt about it. not just with the irs situation, the admission, but also dealing with the benghazi hearings. how bad is this for the president, and what should he be doing at this point to deal with it? >> well, i mean, i think the larger issue is it's a damn
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shame for the country we can't just be having a clear search for the truth. instead of this overheated partisan analysis on both sides. there absolutely should be an inquiry into the actions and reactions, and there have been reports. what you've got, though, is a distorted field where you have folks who are partisan cheering on either side of the analysis. what should be a national security inquiry is being politicized. when they accuse the white house of politicizing benghazi, that doesn't begin to pass the laugh test because they have been pluticizing this from day one with some folks immediately calling for impeachment. that's ridiculous at that point. >> margaret, you're laughing. >> full disclosure, the man on the other side of the screen is my husband and i didn't think we would be agreeing in this segm, but the best thing the republicans could do is insure this is a bipartisan inquiry for the truth and it doesn't come off the rails and become the accusation that john, my
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husband, just said. what we need to do is get to the bottom of what happened and not make this a political food fight, especially because, you know, what we are trying to get to the bottom of is were the american not told the truth for political reasons or where there some other reasons and if you have a sense there's a political try to get at the truth, and republican super pacs running advertisements right now against hillary clinton 2016, citing benghazi does not help the case for this being a bipartisan inquiry and search for the truth. john, i agree with you. >> with hillary, this is bad for any presidential aspirations, hum? >> i mean, look, the fact that everyone is immediately accelerating, the fact that cross roads is running these ads and targeting hillary clinton, let alone the president, what we need to hear is a sober inquiry and sober, independent minded folks should be able to focus on a national security inquiry wows
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making hyperpartzle politics. and when they do, they end up discrediting their own case. that's a cautionary case. >> john and margaret, thank you. >> thanks. z a great mother's day. >> you, too. thanks. >> a mother who lost her son in benghazi in the attack there says she begged for answers but she claims nobody will tell her what happened. she said the government just doesn't care and she's furious. now she's talking with us. stay right here. ó?
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the mother of one of the four americans killed in the terrorist attack in benghazi says no one is talking to her about what happened. our jake tapper sat down with patricia smith, the mother of benghazi victim shaun smith. she said a house hearing last
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week on benghazi offered her no new details. >> i got a lot of answers but not the ones i really wanted. >> you want to know what? >> i want to know why there was no security there and the security that was there got pulled. and who is the one that told the military to stand down? basically. >> that's where you think the investigation needs to follow, who in the state department denied security requests in the months leading up to september 11, 2012, and what happened that night, why the military wasn't in position or did not help? >> true. i did hear some of the things that the whistle blowers said. but there was people that could help. but they were told to stand down. and i want to know why. who had the guts to say something like that to our people? >> you had strong words for former secretary of state hillary clinton when we spoke
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earlier this week. has anyone from the clinton pamp or from the obama administration reached out to jow? >> not one. >> not 6 the interview? >> no. >> do you feel that congress shares the same urgency that you feel when it comes to getting to the bottom of what happened in benghazi? >> i imagine some people in congress do. but the ones that have control of it do not. i don't know. i don't have my answers. whoever is stopping it is stopping it. >> people who have looked into this, including the advisory review board, the arb, say there weren't troops in position to help those individuals in the annex that night. >> they're the military. everybody had guns. everybody should have been able -- that's their job. my son was doing his job. he was not helped. >> what was the last
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conversation you had with him? >> the day he died, he called me and told me, mom, there's people out here taking pictures. i'm worried. i'm really worried about it. and he said he reported it, and they didn't care. our government does not care about us. they don't care about us at all. they just care about saving their own butts and covering their souls or whatever it is. >> i wish you had gotten answers. >> oh, so do i. i begged for answers. when i was there at the casket ceremony, obama and hillary and biden and panetta, and several more said that they would check into it and let me know. not one of them has called me. none. they don't care. i'm not important to them. there's other people that are important to them.
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themselves, pretty much. >> and you can see more of the lead with jake tapper week days at 4:00 p.m. eastern. >> their brother may be the most hated person in the world right now, but they say they have nothing to do with the alleged ohio kidnapper. >> if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would not be -- i would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops. >> more of our exclusive interview with ariel castro's brothers right after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ the new blackberry z10 with blackberry hub and flick typing.
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and if you switch, you could save up to $423. liberty mutual insurance -- responsibility. what's your policy? exclusive. when ariel castro was arrested on charges of kidnapping and raping three women for over a decade in his cleveland home, police also arrested his two brothers. showing their faces to the world. in the minds of many, all three men were monsters. but last thursday, police released pedro and onil castro, saying neither man had anything to do with the alleged abductions and torture of amanda berry, gina dejesus, and michelle knight. now for the first time since their release, both men sat down and talked exclusively with cnn's martin savidge about their brother and their ordeal. they say they're grateful the women and the 6-year-old girl are finally free and safe, but
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they're also haunted by missing clues, haunted by the media, and receiving death threats for something they say they did not do. >> do you worry now that people will always suspect that you actually did have a role? >> absolutely. >> yes. >> and the people out there that know me, they know that onil castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that. would never even think of something like that. i was a very liked person, individual. i have never had any enemies. no reason for anybody to think that i would ever do something like that. it's a shock to all my friends. they couldn't believe it. >> same. i couldn't never think of doing anything like that. if i knew that my brother was doing this, i would not be -- i
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would not -- in a minute, i would call the cops. because that ain't right. but yeah, it's going to haunt me down. because people are going to think pedro got something to do with this. pedro don't have nothing to do with this. if i knew, i would have reported it. brother or no brother. >> you can see much more of martin's exclusive interview, including hearing the one strange rule they say ariel castro demanded his brothers follow when inside his home. plus, you'll also hear what they say happened when one brother confronted ariel about the mysterious little girl who looked so much like him. that and much more beginning tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern on cnn's starting point. >> these are the stories trending now online. the burial of boston bombing suspect tamerlan tsarnaev is coming under a lot of scrutiny in the county where the grave site is located.
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the sheriff in virginia spent last night reviewing all details of the case. he said the paperwork is in order, the burial is legal, and there's nothing the county can do about it. >> syria is denying any involvement in a pair of car bombings in turkey this weekend. 46 people were killed in the attacks targeting the border. nine turkish suspects are being detained. officials say they have linked to secret police. >> nasa says it's confident an u monia leak on the international space station has been fixed. they will continue to monitor the site to make sure it's repaired. >> heading to the movies for mother's day? the great gatsby is back on the screen. it's supposed to do pretty well, but not well enough to knock off one of the box office kings, "ironman 3." the superhero 3qual is expected to take in $69 million this
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weekend, more than $800 million worldwide since premiering. the great gatsby is projected to make $51 million, and tyler perry's peeples had just $3 million. prince harry plays royal cheerleader today. he's supporting wounded warriors competing in colorado. we'll show you how he got into the action, too. ñe
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prince harry bonded with wounded veterans at the warrior games under way in colorado. harry served as a combat helicopter pilot in afghanistan, and veterans said that made him easy to talk to. max foster reports from colorado springs. >> prince harry throwing himself
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into a game of sitting volleyball. throwing himself around a bit more than the other players. this was a team practice for the warrior games. a paralympics for wounded war heroes. >> it was like having another friend. a co-colleague, co-partner, player. yeah. he was just like one of us. >> so happy and privileged to be here today. happy because colorado is a beautiful state, obviously, but privileged because of the fine athletes we find ourselves amongst. i find myself serving along uk/u.s. trooped in helmand provence along with others overseas. some of them voices on the radio to myself. others showing us great hospitality within bastion. no matter the detail or accent,
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i witnessed firsthand the bravery of all troops, not only confronting dangers on the battlefield, but also its tragic consequences, life changing wounds, and the death of friends. >> so this is it, the opening ceremony of the warrior games and the most important part of the tour for prince harry. it's a cause that's very close to his heart. >> the torch is now passing to navy lieutenant bradley schneider. >> another volleyball practice to round the day off before the warrior games start in earnest on sunday. prince harry will be cheering the british team on. max foster, cnn, colorado springs. benghazi attacks and jodi arias. what could these two stories possibly have in common?
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leave it to saturday night live to figure that out. but thirst, at many historically black colleges, the marching band's drum major holds a position of great leadership and honor, getting chosen for the job is part of the american journey. >> the pressure that these students are feeling is tremendous. some of them have been wanting to be drum major for years. >> hey, my name is jamal and i'm from harvey, illinois, and i play the trumpet. ♪ famous sonic boom of the south ♪ >> the first time i saw the sonic boom of the south, i was about 6 or 7. >> i was like, wow, what is this? i was in amazement, wow, i don't know what this is, but i'm in love. to be a part of that, that would
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be magical in a sense. my name is tyrick, and i'm coming from georgia. i play the baritone horn and i am training to become a drum major. i'm the first person in my family to go this far in college. i came from, don't want to say nothing, but you know, i came here, not knowing a lot about college, mississippi, jackson state for that matter, sonic boom of the south. >> my name is cara, i'm from jackson, mississippi, and i play the clarinet. >> flat, flat handed. >> some people try to discourage me, but just because i was a girl. like, and i just said, well, there's been two other female drum majors so i could be the third one. >> my parents are both really excited about this because my mom was a drum major in high school. so it's kind of expected. >> what we saw tonight was the
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very beginning of the making of a drum major at jackson state university. all business purchases. so you can capture your receipts, and manage them online with jot, the latest app from ink. so you can spend less time doing paperwork. and more time doing paperwork. ink from chase. so you can.
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so, this past week, we had another benghazi hearing and the
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jodi arias verdict, all at the same time. and leave it to "saturday night live" to take notice, and they had their own take of the dueling events. listen. >> the chair calls ms. jodi arias. do you swear the tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. >> i do. >> mr. chairman, if you ask me, i think this witness has been called today for the sole purchase of boosting the ratings for the hearings and getting the media to cover them. >> that is a very mean and hurtful thing. my colleague to suggest. >> when were you first made aware that our consulate was under attack? >> i guess this morning. >> i see. >> is it still going on? >> no, no, it happened last september, but my -- >> who do you think did it? >> well, we know who did it. it was an saral shu shia? >> if you know who did it, why
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are you holding the hearings? >> ms. arias, the way these hearings work is we ask the questions and you answer them. >> only "saturday night live" can pull that off. it's a shocking statistic, almost half of all women are worried they're going to wind up on the streets. find out how to make sure you or a woman you love end up with a happily ever after. >> we're ultimately putting students into hard situations. students have watched babies die in hospitals. and done wonderful things to keep other babies alive. >> 20 million low birth weight and premature babies are born every year around the world. the challenge posed to us is build an incubator that costs one half the cost of a traditional incrubator so what the team came up with is this product. an infant warmer, looks like a sleeping bag for the baby. >> so turns out there's about one out of every four people in the world who doesn't have access to reliable electricity.
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today, it is interesting to note that a lot of women worry about their financial futures. a survey by the alliance life insurance company said 49% of women fear ending up as bag
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ladies. that means for one half of your watching me right now, your mother, your spouse, your sister, and your daughter have this fear. it's mostly felt among women who are single or divorced, and least among those in the $200,000 household income bracket, so what can these women do to prevent going broke and homeless? let's bring in joanie. hello to you. >> hello, alsn. >> with more and more women becomes financially independent, how valid really are these fears? >> i think no one wants to see th themself in a financial hardship or difficult situation, and certainly, with everything that everyone has been through through the last recession and the aftermath of the last recession, i think there's more concerns around long-term financial security. there's more concerns around job stability. is their job going to be there next year? five years, ten years?
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and are they doing enough for retirement? >> okay, so what can a woman do financially to make sure that she's got enough to live on after retirement? >> well, i mean, it's a great question. and certainly, it starts today with what women are earning and are they saving? are they taking care and contributing to their 401(k)s. are they putting enough away for maybe their children's, you know, college funds? certainly, they need to be taking a look at their whole financial picture, how much can they be saving today, really to make sure that they will be secure in the future. and i think that is, you know, certainly a concern for many individuals, not just women. certainly men, too. the good news is we're all living longer, and we're going to need more in retirement, you know, certainly to take care of ourselves. >> it is well known, though, that men still earn more than women. there's a study that says by the national women's law center that
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translates to about $443,000 less for earnings for women over 40 years. why is this gender gap still there? is there a way for women to overcome it? >> yes, you know, the gender gap and the pay gap has certainly existed for some time. i mean, this goes back, i think, in 1963, president kennedy signed the equal pay act. at that time, women were only earning 59 cents for every dollar men were earning. we see the gap has closed, but today it's reported it's still 77 cents to 80 cents of what women are truly earning compared to men. so there is still a gap. what women need to do is they really need to focus on where are the career opportunities? where can they have opportunities to grow their career? i give advice all the time regarding career advice and work advice and the employment
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market. and the biggest thing i tell women and men is that you really need to pursue your passion. and what you're really good at. and with that comes that you'll probably be happier in your job, you'll do well in your position. you'll be able to move um, take on promotions, make more money. and hopefully also negotiate more. i think women should not be concerned or frightened to go in there and negotiate for what they want in the salary and benefits and stock, all of those things are very important. >> okay, thank you, joanie, for at advice. >> thank you. >> and on a more serious note, jodi arias is now a convicted killer, but the case isn't over yet. stay with us for our complete coverage all week as the prosecution tries to convince the jury that arias killed her ex-boyfriend in an especially cruel way. no one says "easy like monday morning." sundays are the warrior's day to unplug and recharge. what if this feeling could last all week?
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"your money" starts right now. we live in one america with two economies. i'm christine romans. this is "your money" the stock market is hitting highs, corporate profits are soaring, but not everyone is feeling it. as the dow moves higher, america's middle class is stuck. you should be rolling in stock market riches, instead, many of you are missing out. only 52% of you are invested in stocks. that's down from 65% in 2007. meanwhile, corporate profits are soaring. up 94% as a share of the economy in the last decade, but wages are stagnant, and america's companies are so hungry for talent, they're importing it from abroad. meanwhile, you can't pay for the college degree you need just to compete. i want to bring in terry savage, steven moore, and terry prince. terry covers personal finance.